A lavishly detailed fantasy world inspired by the fairy tales and eerie folklore of the British Isles.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
BackerKit Opens This Week!
over 1 year ago
– Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 07:38:45 PM
Hello everyone!
A quick update about the survey timeline. We are waiting on feedback from BackerKit and expect to send the surveys out by the end of the week. We will post another update with when we will start sending the Smoke Test to 5% of backers as well as when all backers should expect to receive their surveys.
Surveys? BackerKit? Smoke Test?
For anyone who's not previously used BackerKit: it's the pledge manager we're using to send out your reward survey link (by email*). Once you get the survey link you'll be able to:
Enter your shipping address, so we know where to send your rewards. (You'll be able to edit this later on, in case you're moving between now and when fulfilment happens next year.)
Optionally switch pledge tier, for example if you want to upgrade from a Standard tier to a Limited tier. A note for early bird backers: you can switch pledge tier without losing your early bird benefits, as long as you remain on a physical tier.
Select and pay for extra add-ons, for example the minis set, the Dolmenwood soundtrack LP, the t-shirt, etc.
Pay the associated shipping costs for your rewards and any add-ons selected.
We should be sending out a first wave of surveys (known as a "smoke test") to a test group of backers later this week. The purpose of the smoke test is to check that everything in the pledge manager is working as intended before we send out 10,000+ surveys. Once the smoke test is complete, we'll send out surveys to all remaining backers. We'll let you know when that's going to happen in a future update.
*Note, if you used Apple Pay to pay for your pledge on Kickstarterand yoursettings are set to generate a secure unique email, you will need to update your email address in order to receive the BackerKit survey email. Please reach out to us at [email protected] if you need any assistance.
All For Now
Please reach out to us if you have any other questions at [email protected].
Exalted Funeral and Necrotic Gnome
The End! THANK YOU! Next Steps...
over 1 year ago
– Sat, Sep 09, 2023 at 06:25:01 AM
Greetings moss-clad companions! (We hope you've picked up at least a little bit of moss over the last month!)
This update marks the end of the Kickstarter, and we're over the moon at the vast numbers of people who have helped bring this dream project to life.
Thank You!
Thank you all so much for your support. It's so exciting that over 10,000 people backed to get a copy of this game. We can't wait to hear about your adventures as you venture beneath the mysterious eaves of Dolmenwood.
Stretch Goals
Due to the fantastic support for this project, we've unlocked reams of delicious extras:
Adventures: Four adventure modules set in Dolmenwood — The Fungus That Came to Blackeswell, The Ruined Abbey of St Clewyd, Emelda's Song, and Winter's Daughter. Digital backers will get PDFs of all 4 adventures, and Standard, Limited, and Loot backers will get them in hadrcover + PDF.
Maps Book: A full size, roughly 64 page book featuring glorious full colour maps of Dolmenwood — things like settlement maps, political maps, travel maps, foraging maps, shrine maps, etc. Digital backers will get the Maps Book PDF, and Standard, Limited, and Loot backers will get it in print + PDF.
Fungal dice foraging bag: A waved canvas dice bag, embroidered with a gorgeous Dolmenwood fungal design. A perfect match for the fungal dice set that's included in the Loot pledges (and will be available as an add-on). Standard, Limited, and Loot backers will get the dice bag.
Online rules reference: This will contain the core rules and other material from the Dolmenwood Player’s Book, freely available to reference online — a great reference resource and a great way for new players to check out the game.
Online character creator: A website with full Dolmenwood character creation functionality. You’ll be able to virtually roll up stats, make all character creation decisions, and choose equipment, coming up with your own unique character all in one website.
Expanded soundtrack album: The fantastic Dolmenwood soundtrack album by Tales Under the Oak has been expanded to a total of 10 tracks. Digital, Standard, Limited, and Loot backers will get a download code for the album. Ultimate Loot backers will get the 12" LP (which will also be available as an add-on).
Atmospheric sounds loops: Atmospheric sounds, created by Tales Under the Oak, that referees can use to accompany adventures throughout the Wood. Digital, Standard, Limited, and Loot backers will get a download code for the atmospheres.
Next Steps: Pledge Manager and Add-Ons
A few weeks from now, we'll be sending out email links to the pledge manager (BackerKit) where you'll be able to do a few things:
Select any add-ons that take your fancy, including extra copies of the books, dice, minis, T-shirts, patches, noble house pins, and lots more.
Let us know the postal address you want your rewards sent to.
Pay the associated shipping fees.
Next Steps: PDFs + Digital Album
In about a month, we'll send out download links for the soundtrack album and the early-access, near-finished Dolmenwood core books (that is the Player's Book, Campaign Book, and Monster Book). Other PDFs (e.g. the adventures, Maps Book, referee's screen, etc.) will be sent out at a later date, once they're ready.
When and How?
We'll be announcing more details on the pledge manager and early-access PDFs in updates soon. We're sure there are lots of questions about how exactly this is all going to work, but please hold tight until theannouncements, where we'll provide full details.
Want to discuss all things Dolmenwood with the online elite of mosslings, grimalkins, breggles, and Drunes? Allow us to draw your attention to these fan-operated online communities:
We'll leave you with a new full page art piece by the fantastic Pauliina Hannuniemi, depicting a magician and her loyal hound confronting a fearsome swamp beast.
All For Now
Thank you all once again for making this Kickstarter such an amazing success! We'll be in touch soon with updates about what's next.
Everyone at Necrotic Gnome + Exalted Funeral
Less than 48 hours to go! Updated Shipping Table!
over 1 year ago
– Thu, Sep 07, 2023 at 09:00:27 AM
Just a quick update here!
Last Days of the Campaign
There are under 48 hours left in the campaign! Don't miss out on the 4 FREE Adventures, FREE Maps Book, and FREE Foraging Dice Bag, included with ALL Physical pledges!
Updated Shipping Table
We have had many backers reach out about the pending shipping rates. We have finally received some more information from our new warehouse in Australia and are happy to report we have updated shipping costs for many of our backers!
For backers in New Zealand, we expect your rates to fall close to the Australian ones, but we are waiting on confirmation. For all other backers that fall under the Rest of World (ROW) category, you will see the shipping rates tailored for your region in BackerKit.
Please reach out to us with any questions you may have at [email protected].
Thanks so much for all of your support!
Exalted Funeral and Necrotic Gnome
Behold: The Fungal Dice Foraging Bag!
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Sep 05, 2023 at 05:08:24 PM
Greetings gatherers of all things mycological!
We have a brief but exciting update today with some more details about the fungal dice foraging bag!
The dice bag will be made from waxed canvas, for a true woodland foraging feel. Waxed canvas is a durable, water resistant fabric that develops a beautiful, rustic patina as it ages. The perfect material for the rugged wilds of Dolmenwood!
A grommeted drawstring will allow you to safely seal away all your dice and/or fungal specimens.
A series of fungal motifs will be embroidered around the base of the bag.
The perfect companion to your set of Dolmenwood fungal dice! (Included in Loot pledge tiers and available as an add-on.)
Backers at Standard, Limited, and Loot pledge tiers will begetting the dice bag as a free extra!
And now, feast your eyes upon this 3D render!
Recommended for use with the fungal dice foraging bag!
All For Now
We'll have more updates in the next few days as the end of the campaign nears!
All at Exalted Funeral and Necrotic Gnome
All Stretch Goals Unlocked!
over 1 year ago
– Wed, Aug 30, 2023 at 05:37:24 PM
Greetings wanderers of fairy realms!
Fantastic news! We have now unlocked the final stretch goal — the expansion to the Maps Book!
Maps Book Expansion Unlocked
With this final stretch goal, the Maps Book will be expanded to around 64 pages, including beautiful full size maps of the 12 main settlements in Dolmenwood! Digital tier backers get the Maps Book as a PDF. Standard, Limited, and Loot tier backers get the Maps Book in print (plus accompanying PDF). The Maps Book will also be available as an add-on in the pledge manager (BackerKit).
All Stretch Goals Unlocked!
As mentioned in the previous update, everything we’ve planned for has now been unlocked and we won’t be announcing any further stretch goals. We’re over the moon about everything we’ll be producing for backers, and have lots of exciting ideas for future Dolmenwood adventures and supplements.
3d6 Down the Line Deep Dive Videos
Some of you may know the YouTube channel 3d6 Down the Line, famed for their popular actual play series set in Dolmenwood. In addition to their 22 episode campaign exploring Dolmenwood, Jon (the referee) has recently done a series of 3 deep dive videos looking at early preview PDFs of the Dolmenwood core books. Jon’s insight into using the core books to create a deeply flavourful sandbox campaign is super inspiring. Recommended viewing!
Referee Screen Art Highlight
Finally, we wanted to share some more art by the fantastic Pauliina Hannuniemi, giving you a detailed look at the beautiful art she created for the 4 panel referee's screen. Pauliina is a long-running collaborator on Dolmenwood, having created a total of 19 full page chapter heading paintings, in addition to the referee’s screen art. We’d recommend checking out Pauliina’s Instagram page for more of her fabulous, mythic art. She also has a selection of prints available at INPRNT.
All For Now
Thank you all once again for helping to bring this dream product to life! We’ll keep you posted with updates as things progress.